Thursday, August 27, 2009

9Cs in 2009

Goal setting is part of my habit at the start of each year.

I like to do things with VISION & PURPOSE.
"Floating aimlessly" can really GET ON MY NERVES!
During times like this, I will self-correct... stop and think, work out different issues and quickly get back on track again!

Earlier this year, as I was praying for a fresh vision for 2009... a few items came into my mind.
Amusingly, it all started with the letter 'C'!
As I continued praying, more 'C' words kept on pouring like a flood!

It came to a point that I asked God to STOP!
Upon resisting Him, I can sense that He was unhappy.
LO and BEHOLD... He threw another C... CAPACITY!
Okok... I know what You mean God. -_-"

All in all, there are 9Cs that I am focusing on in 2009.
Let me share with you a couple of them...


I am a STEP-BY-STEP person.

I like order and enjoy working things from A - Z rather than T,P,Z,B,S.
Messisness frustrates me! When dat happens, my C can make me D!
(I know what you are thinking but I am not kidding...)

Creativity is the opposite of routine.
In making a conscious effort to achieve this, I have to keep on forcing + training myself to think of FRESH ideas, NEW solutions and BETTER ways to do the same thing!


I don't think I am a person who talks a lot.

Guess the only time you hear me "speak endlessly" is during PREACHING!

About two years ago, I started blogging. Afterwhich, I joined Facebook and Twitter. These are alternative tools of communication which allow me to conveniently share snippets of my life with people and at the same time, stay connected with the rest.

Apart from that, I am constantly working on the verbal aspect too.

Moderately speaking, I have achieved 5/9 Cs.

4 more Cs before the year ends in 4 months time!
Realistically speaking, I am not confident to attain 100% fulfillment of my goals.
But nevertheless, I will give my best shot and not limit my ALMIGHTY God!

"Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ASK or THINK, according to the power that works in us"
- Eph 3:20

Jia You... Jia You!!!


Ed or Edmund Tay said...

ya...Believing for your capacity to increase!!!

jotoh said...

YES!!! !!! !!! Last lap of 2009! Let the end be BETTER than the beginning!