Camp CastAway is hilarious!!!
Really enjoyed watching the campers in their "KODAK" moments!
Who can forget...
- Tian Yi w his "studious" look & intensive praying?
- Darwin & Jason dancing around the banana tree
- Jon Choo w his endless "surround-sound system" roar
- Yan Ming w his hokkien interpretation... "Jesus' very good"
- The various Spoof Awards... "Chio Bu" & "Flasher" etc.
The exaggerated dramas made you laugh & laugh, until you forget to realise... "Wait a minute! What's the link to the original bible story?"
Nobody cares! The crowd totally enjoyed themselves in the hot & stuffy room! You just GOT TO BE THERE at the scene to fully appreciate the HUMOUR!
After svc yesterday, the subzone gathered for lunch and we could not help but to keep on talking fondly abt the camp for H-O-U-R-Ssss!!! The jokes just went go on & on.... :)
Overall, Camp CastAway is F-U-N!!!