Tuesday, January 13, 2009


It probably started with a Pierre Cardin wallet in 2007!

I bought it for Kailin durg Xmas gift exchange...

This year, I've got... not just one... but TWO wallets durg Xmas!

Presentg to you...

(Guess Wallet from Jin Lian!)

(Braun Buffel wallet from my Connect Grp Leaders! They are V. GENEROUS!)

Being in a "wallety" mood... I decided to buy MORE for gifts!

(Guess wallet for Mum!)


Her usual reply.. "为什么要浪费钱?"

唉.. 天下的妈妈都是一样的? -_-"

(Espirit wallet for "姑姑" Aunt)

Woo... Enough of wallets for now... Haha!


Ed or Edmund Tay said...

Wa...Not bad ah.

Sowing and Reaping :)

Anonymous said...

Yes!!! Amen!