My hp alarm went off at 5a.m. in the morning!
I conveniently pressed the snooze button and went back sleeping.
At 5:30a.m., I decided "I must really wake up now!"
Springing from my bed, I went to the wardrobe and pick up my stuff. In the process, I squatted there dazingly for quite a while, with my eyes closed...
"Ooo... What am I doing?"
Quickly got up on my feet, I came out of the room, greeted by my parents' curious look.
"为什么这么早起?" (Why did you get up so early?)
With eyes half-closed... I replied "清..晨..祷..告..会.." (Morning Prayer Meeting)
They let out a giggle...
I am a morning person.
But... Waking up at 5+ a.m. is really very EARLY and NOT EASY, considering I sleep late.
Anyway, my momentum picked up after shower!
Dad bought me a packet of tea out of his usual morning coffeeshop routine.
That delighted me... It's a relief for my sinusitis in a cold morning!
Sipping the tea gratefully, I made my way to meet the members at Outram Park MRT.
Hee... So happy to see each one! Yeah... They really tried!
Ariel and Sarah came as well for the 1st time! Good work guys!
Just like what Pastor shared yday...
Unusual Responses Bring "Unusual" Results!
Getting up EARLY for morng PM may be currently out of the norm, but as we PERSEVERE thru... let's see greater breakthroughs ahead!
Over at PM, the presence of God is so tangible!
I began to pray for cg and some members.
Felt GOOD & REFRESHED after prayer meeting!
We even have time for a relaxing fellowship at Yan Ming's mum coffeeshop nearby.
Come and join us!
The morning prayer warriors!
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